Monday, October 6, 2014

Adding to our family....Mixed reviews

Recently my husband Derek and I announced that we are going to be adding another child to our current four child brigade.  We had mixed reviews when telling people and I think it is mainly because it is out of the norm to have more than one or two children these days.  I had some people rudely say "five kids?" while other's sincerely congratulated us.  Even some family members were less than impressed with the news.  Ultimately I feel like none of their comments matter - Being a stay at home Mom, I am raising my own children, they do not go to daycare, and I am spending every moment of my life with them! So what is so wrong with having a large family? I grew up in a family of five kids and I turned out fine, sure we wore hand-me-downs and ate a lot of ground beef, but I turned out fine! Obviously we will have to make sacrifices - buying used clothes and not having the newest cars or home, but to me its all worth it! The joy of raising beautiful little people to be beautiful big people someday! Watching them grow and sharing in each of their milestones is precious and no brand new house or car could ever compare to that. I have the rest of my life when my children are grown to have nice things!

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